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Power and the Shadow

Unit 4 - Master Your Energy E-course.

In this chapter you will learn to embrace your natural, conscious and spiritual power and balance your feminine and masculine essence. When these energies come out of the shadow of our psyche and in the light of consciousness, we can access their full expression and power.

Maps of Power in the energy body

The reality of a unified field of energy implies that there is no lack of power in the universe. Power is channeled through our body when we are open to all the frequencies accessible by our energy system.

The journey to self-mastery is about becoming whole, owning our sovereignty over body, mind and spirit in order to manifest our unique Soul essence in the world.

A useful map to help us understand and channel the life force in our energy body is the map of the Basic Self, Conscious Self and Higher Self. In this chapter we will also look at the archetypal energies of the Feminine and Masculine Selves to balance their power in our energy field.

For authentic Self-expression we need to align our natural, conscious and spiritual power and allow the intertwined dance of the feminine and masculine energies.

Whenever one or more of these aspects are dominant or in the shadow, we do not access our full potential and feel separation and disconnection from our true essence.

We can learn how to re- balance these different archetypes of our psyche and energy body, and live consciously in a higher vibration of joy, peace, love, freedom and creativity.

The three Selves: Basic Self, Conscious Self and Higher Self

The conceptual model of the 3 selves has been adopted by many traditions, among which Huna, Celtic, Inka and Core shamanism, to include metaphysical teacher D. J. Stone and psychologists S. Freud and C. Jung.

We will use the Huna terminology of Basic Self, Conscious Self and Higher Self. The Reclaiming Celtic shamanism talks about the Younger Self, the Talking Self and the Deep Self. Core shamanism and Inka shamanism divide the Spirit world in Under world, Middle world and Upper world, representing the realms of the three selves. Freud and Jung describe the Subconscious, Conscious and Superconscious as the three level of consciousness of the human psyche. D.J.Stone refers to the three powers: subconscious power, personal power and God power.

The Basic Self manages our vitality, our instincts and our actions. Energetically it is centered in the root, sacral and solar plexus chakra, domain of the body, the emotions and the action-mind.

This Younger/Elemental self is our powerhouse, it has the power to manifest in the physical reality and is very connected to the natural world. It is also the emotional self, able to sense and feel beyond the mind, following her intuition and perceptions.

The Basic Self speaks the language of the body and of symbols, myths and rituals, communicating beyond logic and in deep communion with Spirit. It is the magical child who learns to speak, paint or make music naturally and effortlessly, like life is flowering, sprouting or hatching, without intention or mind.

The Basic Self stores the memories of our life, our karma and our ancestral heritage, at a cellular level in the body and in our subconscious mind. The Basic Self remembers skills and talents as a deep knowing. All beliefs from past experiences and their emotional impact are retained like information in a data bank, and if the programming is negative this self will not cooperate, showing resistance or reactivity.

The Basic self needs our unconditional love, respect, and acceptance. It is like a child, extremely sensitive, pure at heart and somehow wild. The Basic Self needs to be guided by the moral integrity and compassion of our Conscious Self, in order to feel safe and protected. Without this Parental/Adult Self taking personal responsibility, the Basic Self becomes like a child without a structure and boundaries to hold her.

The Conscious Self is connected to the mind and the refined methods of expression of language, imagination and thought. Energetically it is linked to the throat, third eye and crown chakras, which channel the consciousness of the Higher Mind. This Self is the one who interprets and organizes the world around us, holding the responsibility of co-creating with Spirit by making decisions and leading.

The Conscious Self needs to be inspired by The Higher Self. Without the wise and clear guidance of the Higher Mind, the Conscious self can lose awareness and become conditioned by the Ego mind with its patterns of limitation, separation and suffering. When the conscious Self is attuned to Higher Self we have access to the power of clarity, discernment and detachment.

The Higher Self guides the Conscious self who holds the Basic Self. However, this is not a hierarchical order, as the Higher Self also speaks directly to the body/Basic Self. When we listen to the wisdom of our body and emotions, we are guided by the magic of the Basic Self who is naturally attuned to life and Spirit.

From an energetic perspective, the Higher Self is channeled downwards and resides in our Heart centre as a focal point. The Higher Self informs all the chakras, communicating both with our Basic Self and with our Conscious Self.

Our Higher Self holds the wider perspective of our Soul journey and has access to the akashic records of every dimension of our Soul: present, past, parallel and future.  It exists in Oneness with the Universal field and is connected to the Higher Selves of other people, groups, nations, of the Earth and other star systems.

Ultimately both Basic Self and Conscious Self need to surrender to the Higher Self. When the personality surrenders and merges with the Higher Self we realize our own sovereignty, we become our own Sage/Guru, we realize divinity within ourselves.

Recently I have been watching a movie series called the Last Kingdom, about medieval England. The display of Warriors, Kings and Magicians/Priests can represent a metaphor of the alignment needed of the Basic Self, Conscious Self and Higher Self. The Warrior-Basic Self is directed by the King-Conscious Self, who in turn follows guidance from God-Higher Self, for the welfare of the people and the land. A warrior out of control only creates havoc and a warrior who fights with no aim only gets worn. The king seeks council from the Magician/Priest as a way to access God/Higher Self consciousness. A king without a higher perspective only follows limited group interests, whilst a king who abdicates his authority cannot lead his council.

The Higher Self is our Wisdom, the Conscious Self is our Discernment, the Basic Self is our Power.

The Higher Self holds the Conscious Self who holds the Basic Self.

To master our energy body we need to align and integrate our natural power and our conscious power with our divine power.

Balancing and Aligning the three Selves

When correlating the three Selves to the chakra system, the Lower Chakras (1-2-3) represent the energy of the Basic Self, the Upper Chakras (5-6-7) give expression to the Conscious Self whilst Higher Self is channeled downward in the whole system and centered in the Heart chakra.

The energy of the three selves needs to be in balance and aligned. As Self-aware human beings we must embrace our Natural Power and manage our Conscious Mind in continuous alignment with our Spiritual guidance. When the energies of the Basic Self or Conscious Self are excessive or deficient, we are unable to properly channel the power of our Soul. Let’s look at a few examples.

An excess of Basic Self energy is observed when we are stuck in tribe consciousness, following the dictates of family or other groups instead of our individual expression; we then become disconnected from our power as independent adults.

An excess of Basic Self energy is also found in predominant materialism, and being attached to immediate comfort and physical identification, which cause us to disconnect from our spiritual power.

An overload of Basic Self energy happens when we repress negative emotions or behavioural patterns, which subconsciously block our power. For examples Higher Self and the Conscious Self may be aligned and intending to invite success at work, loving relationships or abundance, however if the Basic self stores programs of worthlessness, shame or rejection, we will experience extreme resistance.

A deficiency in the energy of the Basic self can manifest as a lack of grounding and can be caused by too much focus on the logical mind, which dominates with an intellectual interpretation of reality, overriding the intuition of the body. In the same way a dominance of ascetic spirituality can disconnect us from our Basic self,  from the natural intelligence of body and instincts.

An excess energy in the Conscious Self can harm and deplete the Basic Self. This is the case when a tyrannical Conscious Self continuously causes emotional stress with relentless critical thinking. At other times the rigid belief system of the Conscious Self can prevent access to our Higher Self guidance. For example, the Higher Self is showing the path of the artist whilst the mind believes it is not sustainable financially.

A deficient energy in the Conscious Self means abdicating personal responsibility. In this case there is no or little Adult Self operating, with lack of awareness and personal authority. An example is when people are looking to be fixed rather than taking responsibility for their healing, not owning their power to influence their well-being. Likewise, in patterns of codependency, we abdicate responsibility by giving our power away to others in marriages, jobs or with addictions.

The Higher self is like a dome of energy enveloping our whole energy system. We are never alone and always supported by our Higher Self. When I feel vulnerable, I usually meet my inner child in meditation, knowing how important it is to acknowledge, soothe and protect her, like a parent would do. However, I call for my Higher Self as well.  Whilst holding my inner child in my arms, I feel my Higher Self as a luminous Angel surrounding us with her vast glowing aura and holding us both in unconditional love.

Higher Self is always guiding, protecting and loving us.

Our task is to hold ourselves and trust that when we open and surrender to Spirit we receive all gifts of love, power and abundance.

The Masculine and Feminine Selves

The Feminine and Masculine Selves are two archetypal sources of power which we need to consider when mapping the energy body. The masculine and feminine essences take on different qualities of being in the three selves and in each chakra.  


In the yoga tradition the energy flows through the central axis of the body in three main channels called Nadis. The Sushumna Nadi runs along the spine, whilst the Ida and Pingala Nadis run at the sides. The Ida Nadi, also called the Moon channel, carries feminine energy and governs the left side of the body. The Pingala Nadi, also called Sun channel, carries masculine energy and governs the right side of the body (see below Fig. 6).


When defining the essence of the Feminine and Masculine we go beyond all stereotypes of gender to embrace qualities that need to be present, and equally balanced, in each human being.


In the Chinese Tao, Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) energies dance as one in our psyche and body, with no patterns of dominance or shadow. Yin is about expansion, flow and intuition whilst Yang is about order, logic and action.


In the Yoga Upanishad, Shakti is the feminine principle and the Sanskrit word is translated to English with ‘energy’. The divine feminine is the kundalini energy rising up the body and giving life to all creation.

The masculine principle is referred to as Shiva, meaning no-thing, the essence of Spirit channelled down in the body and pervading all life forms. Shiva as unmanifested emptiness holds Shakti in her life expression. Feminine is about exuberant desire for existence whilst masculine is holding presence and awareness.


In the model of the Three Selves, as a way to cross-reference the Masculine/Feminine, we will use the following archetypes:


-          the Natural man/Natural woman in the Basic Self

-          the King/Queen in the Conscious self

-          the Magician/Priestess in the Higher Self.


The Basic Self holds the Earthy masculine/feminine energies, as Mother/Father, He-She Lover and He-She Warrior.

The Conscious Self is associated to the King as the focused leader, and the Queen as the community holder.

The Higher Self is channeled through the Magician, master of rituals and ceremony, and the High Priestess, psychic and energy healer.


There are many archetypes describing the divine feminine and divine masculine as depicted in the vast array of Gods and Goddesses throughout many cultures, each divinity expressing different attributes. In this context we want to have a general feel of these two essences and understand what happens when we disown them.


The Divine Feminine is associated with the Moon and with the Inner world. Her qualities are those of love, openness, receptivity, inspiration, empathy and body wisdom. She oversees the realms of the unseen and receives power and vision through her psychic abilities and intuition. She lets herself be guided by her heart, body and dreams, operating beyond the logical mind, and embracing unity and interconnectedness.

When feminine energy is deficient, we find it difficult to be open and vulnerable. We therefore block our ability to perceive with our senses and emotions and are unable to flow with our spiritual intuition. Furthermore, a limited awareness of feminine energy manifests as lack of warmth and connectedness.

The Divine Feminine by her nature is open and unboundaried, therefore she needs the presence and holding of the Divine Masculine. Open and vulnerable, however, doesn’t mean powerless! The feminine holds the unbounded power of love in both her fierce and compassionate aspects.


The Divine Masculine is associated with the Solar logos and the Outer world. His qualities are connected to still presence, resolute holding and the ability to manifest. His energy is about commitment, leadership, focus and will power. He is action-oriented, he plans, sets goals and builds structures, whilst enjoying challenges and accomplishments. He uses discernment and determination to create, contain and protect. With clear wisdom and intellect he manifests in the world with integrity of purpose.

When masculine energy is deficient, we are unable to hold presence and awareness and find it difficult to manifest our Soul purpose. We lack vision and objectivity and are easily overwhelmed emotionally.

The Divine Masculine is by his nature detached, pragmatical and active, therefore he needs the warmth of love, relaxation and receptive inspiration of the Divine Feminine.

The Selves in the Shadow: a graphic picture

The energy in our system can become polarized when dominant selves take all the front stage, forcing other selves in the shadow.

The model of the three selves and the polarity male/female are useful tools for mapping basic imbalances in our energy system.

In the table below we summarize the information given so far.

The Basic/Conscious/Higher Self imbalances are described in fig. 1.2.3

The Masculine/Feminine essence are shown see in fig. 4

The Higher Self field and heart-focus is shown in fig. 5

Fig. 1     Dominance of Lower Chakras

·       blocks in accessing spiritual connection (ascending current): excessive materialism

 ·      blocks in accessing conscious self: lack of personal responsibility, abdicating power

 ·      emotional wounding and overload, with resistant or reactive behavior



Fig. 2     Dominance of Upper Chakras

·       blocks in grounding (descending current): excessive intellectualism, disconnection with reality and the body

 ·       blocks in manifesting: spiritual escapism, paralysis of action



Fig. 3     Dominance of Conscious Self

·       Mind like a cage blocking connection to Basic self: disconnection with the body, lack of emotional expression and instinctual creativity

 ·       Mind blocking access to Higher Self and Soul purpose: rigid identifications to roles, beliefs and egoic patterns, social conditioning



Fig. 4     Masculine and Feminine energies

·       Upper Chakras

the King/ Queen; the Adult selves

the Priestess/Magician; the Light Feminine/Masculine


·       Lower Chakras

the Natural Man/Woman: the Earthy Father/Mother; He-She lover; He-She Warrior



Fig. 5     The field of Higher Self enveloping our Being

·       Our energy body is contained in the field

·       The field is healing and guiding us

·       The Higher Self is centred in the heart

Fig 1 - Lower Chakras dominance

Fig.1 Lower chakras dominance

Fig 2 - Upper Chakras dominance

Fig.2 Upper chakras dominance

Fig 3 - Conscious Self dominance

Fig.3 Conscious self dominance

Fig 4 - Feminine/Masculine balance

Fig.4 Feminine/Masculine balance

Fig 5 - Higher Self field

Fig.5 Higher self field


Working with dominance and shadow: my story

I would like to share my own story as an example of the dynamic between dominant and shadow selves, with selves that dominate the scene and selves which are disowned and denied expression.

Whilst emptying my parents’ house I was struck by a portrait painted of me as a child of 7. I looked like a wooden puppet, like a Pinocchio, and I felt like that, moved robotically by invisible strings.

As a girl I was uncomfortable in my body, very orderly in my behavior, trying to follow all rules about what was right and proper. Obedience was necessary to receive approval and ultimately love from my family and the world. From this child a Conscious Self developed that would behave in a controlling way and would push to achieve to receive validation.

My Conscious Self was like a cage blocking access to my Soul guidance and to my Body instinct.

Another consequence of the dominance of my Controller-Pusher Self was that my Feminine Self went into the shadow. The reason was due to a cultural paradigm focused on intellectualism and materialism, as a way to guarantee survival and safety in the world. This gained me a brilliant first class degree in Economics but left no space for spirituality, inspiration, introspection and heart.

In my early thirties, breaking through depression, I changed my life and moved to UK, starting my journey of awakening. I explored many spiritual traditions, energy healing, shamanism, metaphysics, tantra, yoga and more. I needed to reclaim access to my Higher Self and Basic Self, learning to perceive through my body, emotions and Soul. I stopped living by the rules of my controlling mind and learnt to allow my spontaneity, my fluidity of perception, my spiritual intuition. I learnt about the power of the Divine Feminine.

However, any polarization requires balance and after reclaiming my Basic Self, Higher Self and Feminine essence I realized that my Conscious Self and my Masculine essence went partly in the shadow.

For example, in my journey of reclaiming my Inner Goddess Power, my anger towards patriarchal dominance led me to abdicate sovereignty of the Conscious Self and of the Light Masculine.  My feminine Self was swinging between being a Victim in her vulnerability, or a resentful dark Goddess in her outrage for not being respected. I was alternating patterns of co-dependency and giving my power away emotionally, financially and spiritually, with patterns of vicious self-criticism coming from a stern, abusive and ultimately neglected masculine self.

My neglected Basic self, Higher Self and Feminine Self needed love as well as my beautiful Light Masculine with his qualities of clear discernment and holding. My masculine essence now holds, loves, respects and protects my feminine essence and is able to listen to her inspiration and take decisive action accordingly.

The concept of Golden Shadow and Wounded Shadow can offer another simple key to balance our inner polarities. All our Selves in fact hold precious gifts and talents, but may have gone through wounding and trauma. In order to connect to their energy we need to first understand their wounds and heal them.

My Basic Self was very wounded by my tyrannical Conscious Self, and my Feminine Self was not able to express herself and open to her Masculine Self for fear of being abused and dominated. My work has been of healing my wounded Basic self, my wounded Feminine self and reclaim the golden shadow of my Conscious self and Masculine side.

Everyone of us has a different life story and the path to reclaiming our wholeness is unique and multi-faceted. The good news is that we have both the power and the tools to do this, through awareness, self-inquiry and energy work.

Tips to connect to the Selves

BASIC SELF – Go in nature, commune and communicate with trees, animals and all elements. Learn to be conscious of your breath and body; do physical exercise for strength and pleasure.

CONSCIOUS SELF – Design a structured discipline for body exercise, mental stimulating activities, business organization and spiritual practices. Take responsibility for everything in your life.

HIGHER SELF – Quiet and empty your mind with meditation, relaxation or any other activity that gives you inner peace. Become the Observer, exercise detached self-reflection. Pray for connecting to Source deep within yourself. Listen and be attentive to all signs that Spirit gives you in the ordinary reality.

FEMININE AND MASCULINE SELVES – Affirm you love each side unconditionally. Know that there are two selves inside of you, each one with different needs. Listen to their longings and desires. Allow them creative expression, in a balanced way, in every aspect of your life.

Journal writing practice

Allow a voice to your Basic Self, Conscious Self, Feminine Self and Masculine Self, in whichever form they come to you. Allow the expression of all their perceptions, feelings and thoughts.

Witness the guidance that comes from your Higher Self.

Exercise: 20-30 minutes of writing with meditation music or classical music.

Start with a phrase, any that feels relevant at the moment, a theme in your mind or a dominant feeling. Like: I am judging myself for, I want to feel free, I feel hopeless, I am hurt, I am angry or more. This person/my mother/father/spouse is….

You will repeat your anchor phrase every time the flow of writing stops. Keep writing continuously and whenever you feel stuck repeat your anchor phrase.

Write following your stream of consciousness, without censoring anything, allowing yourself to express whatever is inside your mind and in your emotions. Notice your body sensations as well.

The intention is to allow unexpressed voices and emotions inside you to have an outlet. It is a very useful practice when you feel distressed and in a difficult emotional moment. However, you can use this practice anytime you need a space of reflection, as it gives the possibility to be very honest with yourself.

Express yourself fully with no judgement.

Stop writing only when it feels you have reached a sort of shift, a breakthrough moment. You will notice that a calm and wise voice will emerge from deep within, and bring you resolution. Notice the pearls of wisdom you have learnt. Notice how underneath the words of judgement and the hurt clarity of awareness and deep peace is always available to you.

The shadow meditation

In this recorded meditation you will find a template to work with your inner selves.

Each time it will be a different experience, giving you new insight into your dominant and shadow selves.

The principle is one of acknowledging and discharging the excessive energy of your dominant selves first, in order to access the voice and gifts of your shadow selves.





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