Online Via Zoom, starting on 7 May for 5 weeks
Five weekly webinars. A space of quiet reflection to tap into your core strength and access your own inner guidance. An experiential course of five weekly sessions online. Through relaxation and guided inner work you will discover how to release those negative emotions and thinking patterns, blocking your unique power and self-expression. The increased sense of trust in yourself will lead to more inner peace, more flow and a sense of purpose and ease in your life.
Time: 7.30-9.00 pm
Weekly, starting on Thursday 7 May
Cost: £55
Once you have purchased your place you will be sent a link to download Zoom and the link to join the sessions.
7 May – Grounding and connecting to your Inner Guidance
14 May – Accessing and balancing your core strengths
28 May – Healing conditioning and unhelpful patterns from the past
4 June – Opening to self-expression and power
11 June – Connecting to your vision and purpose